• One of the most effective chess books
    The Big Book of Chess Tactics
    This book is recommended to all the chess players
    who prefer winning


Csaba Balogh
International Grandmaster (2631)

Tactical Targets in Chess is one of my first chess books and I still have a look into it even today. The Big Book of Chess Tactics is the extended edition of this book with 2000 examples and similar structure to the previous ones.
I think, for most of the chess players, being professional or amateur, the most satisfying part of the game after a spectacular sacrifice is to checkmate, win material advantage, or save a hopeless situation. The book is geared towards these themes so I can recommend it to everyone.
By studying the book intensively we can improve our playing strength and increase our ELO rating points quite soon.

Csaba Balogh International Grandmaster (2631) Member of the Hungarian Olympic Team

Who is this book for?

This book is for you if you are a:
Hobby player

You play chess with your friend in the evenings or at the weekends. You might not understand all the moves and combinations at first reading but the more time you spend with it, the more successful you will be. In the meantime, you can realize more and more beautiful combinations and win more and more games.

Tournament player with 1300-2200 ELOs

By reading the book the 200 ELO rating points increase is guaranteed. You can read the book even without a chessboard. It is like playing 2000 games and, in a peculiar moment, finding the way to victory.

Tournament player having 2200 or more ELOs

By reading the book your playing strength and ELO points will increase significantly. Part of the combinations will be light mind-games. However, all the rest will stretch your mind to discover the road to victory and check all the possible variations.


You should not buy this book for only the sake of the game and not wanting to improve.

What benefits can you reap from the book?

Your playing strength will sharply increase.

More winning

You will beat chess players you could not beat before

You will be effective

You will be able to win the winning positions


The combinations you will be able to realize will give you aesthetic pleasure

Less loses

You will be able to save losing positions

Look inside

Some examples and tasks are taken from the 800 pages for you to understand the structure and to show how elaborate the examples are in the book. We are sure that the book is great! Therefore, we offer you a 100% money-back guarantee on all books! If you do not like the book just send it back. There is no risk.

Customer Reviews on the previous editions:

"We have recently acquared a copy of the first volume of ’Tactical Targets in Chess’, and we are writing to thank you for the pleasure that it is giving us. The positions are subtle, particularly well chosen, and well analysed."

Philip and John Bentin Oxford, England

"First of all my congratulations for your two books dedicated to tactics in chess. I appreciate them as the most valuable collection of chess excersises and they come very useful for increasing my skills."

Carlo Mazzon Parma, Italy

"First of all I would like to thank you for the brilliant books of tactical targets in chess, as they really helped me improving my chess. And my experience taught me that this learning can go on until a high level anyway."

Victor de Bruin Eindhoven, Holland

"First of all I want to thank you for making the book Tactical Targets in Chess. I am a 1550 Elo player, and I enjoy excercising with your book very much. Your book is the one I like most. I practice almost every day since a year now, and I still enjoy it. I hope you will continue your work."

Olivier Huizer from Holland

"I have read your books and used your programme on chesstactics. They are really useful for the chessplayers, so I will write a review about them to the Italian mailgroup of chess players…"

Alberto Travaglini from Italy

Istvan Pongo
chess trainer, author

Istvan Pongo had been teaching chess as a subject both in elementary and secondary schools for decades.

He has invented the method and practice which is presented in the book and on this website.

He has been publishing chess books about combinations and openings for 30 years.


The Big Book of Chess Tactics + free 1 year subscription

PRICE: €49

  • Book: 800 pages 2000 elaborated combinations grouped around topics
  • Online database: 2506 combinations 6 filtering options
  • DHL delivery to your home
  • 15 days money-back guarantee
1 year access to the online database

PRICE: €19

  • 2506 combinations 6 filtering options
  • 15 days money-back guarantee

The book was structured according to how it needs to be learnt. This way the whole system of motifs, the lines from simple to complex within the motifs and the whole scale of the necessary tools to realize the motifs were created.

The realization of the combinations, that is the conscientious understanding and memorizing of the whole material of the book, makes sure that you will recognize the position in which there is an opportunity for a tactical blow. Furthermore, with the hard work the unbiassed, comprehensive and objective analysis of the position is demonstrated and exercised. This is the most difficult task in chess.